The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.
Exodus 14:14
An ambassador was sent to Sparta on a diplomatic mission and was surprised to find no walls protecting the city. He exclaimed to the king, "Sir, you have no fortifications for defense. Why is this?" "Come with me...and I will show you the walls of Sparta" the king replied. He led the ambassador to where the Spartan army stood in full battle array,and pointing proudly to his soldiers who stood fearlessly in place, he said, "Behold, the walls of Sparta - 10,000 men and every man's a brick!"
We have something far greater than even the legendary, fearless Spartan army. We have God and a host of angels who stand firmly between us and the enemy. When pressure mounts, when we experience a loss of income, when we are persecuted for our values and beliefs, faithfulness to our fearless King will see us through, for though the battle is raging, He is standing watch over us, protecting us against destruction.
We have the ability to be "a brick" during the difficult and trying times in our lives. We just have to come alongside God who is already guarding us, and remain faithful and fearless.
By Dr. David Jeremiah
Turning Point Ministries
"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer."
Corrie ten Boom
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