Just to let you know, I'm on the threshold of turning 50 years old. So, late last week, I got a good laugh when I opened the mail and found an AARP card with my name on it. What's this all about ?? I mean, my birthday hasn't even happened yet - it's 3 months from now. I know what's going to happen from here on out; my mailbox will be filled up, on a weekly basis, with junk mail concerning retirement homes, discounts on denture cream, hearing aid devices, and a real deal on a grave site. Oh my! LOL!!!
Yet, despite all my protesting, I'm actually excited about turning 50. I don't really care (as you can tell) and God has made it known to me that I would have an effective life and ministry the older I get. I can't wait! The same can be true for all of us if we will believe it.
No matter what our ages, God has given us (you and me) this appointed time in history to make a difference for Him, to stand for Him and advance His kingdom. I look forward to heaven, but there's just too much work to be done right here and now. I guess I'm a gray panther for God. I don't care! But, I do care about pleasing and serving my God, through every year and age.
Let's stand together in our lives, families, neighborhoods, jobs, and churches and let the King of Kings reign in our hearts and move in our midst. I so desparately want to see God move and be glorified on this earth and in every tribe and nation. To see the blind (physically and spiritually) receive their sight and the captives to be set free. I'm sure you feel that same way.
Though life is marred by sin and so full of pain, it is so wonderful that Jesus wipes away every tear and makes ALL things new. He's the best, He's God and such a Great King!!!
God is glorified as we serve Him wholeheartedly all of our years, no matter what our ages. So, let's allow God to move in and through us for His glory. That's the meaning of our lives.
Enjoy the video!
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