Yet these systems require, like most things; care, maintenance, updates, and occasional repair. With my computers over the years, I've had more than one virus infect my system. I've also lost valuable data due to backup failure and have had a motherboard crash on me.
In some respects, we can compare our lives to computers and digital devices. While we aren't machines, we are extremely complex beings who perform many high-level functions. Like the computers and digital devices that we rely upon so much, we too require care, maintenance, updating, and occasional repair. If our lives aren't maintained on a continual basis, our performance can be compromised and we can even break down.

Fortunately, our lives don't have to break down - they can be protected. We can, if you will, install and update our "software". We can also have adequate firewall protection against the equivalent of the worst Trojan viruses; as well as protection against emotional, spiritual, relational malware. So, where can we get this protection for our lives?
Fortunately, we have a down-loadable God. He enables us to reformat the hard drives of our hearts and minds by coming into relationship with Him through the salvation He provides in His Son, Jesus Christ. When we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we receive the initial download of the Holy Spirit who continually helps, teaches, and encourages us. Jesus called Him the "comforter". Every day, we need to download God's Word so we can know all about Him. He uses His Word to teach us, remove malware and clean up our systems so as to enhance our performance on every level and to reflect Him in our lives.
He really is the down-loadable God who we can access 24/7! His 'Customer Support Center' is open all the time, available in every language, and

2 Peter 1:3 says: "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness".
Ephesians 1:3 says: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ".
By turning from our ways, which are flawed by the effects of sin, and by turning to God, we give Him our lives and every care. In doing so, we can download the very presence and power of God which transforms us. This is living life and living it abundantly (John 10:10).
Life was designed to be full of God's purpose and joy. So, don't forget to down-load, on a continual basis, everything He has for you.
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