Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to Stand on God's Word

When we stand on God's Word, we are simply going to God with His promises. We are simply reminding God of His Word and asking Him to give us what belongs to us. We are doing what God told us to do. In fact, in His Word, God invited us to remind Him of His promises.

Isaiah 43:26 - "Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence".

It is scriptural for a believer to take his stand on the Word of God and remind God what He has promised in His Word. In fact, God said to put Him in remembrance of His Word and what He has promised us.

You see, faith believes what God has already said; faith responds to what God has already done; and faith receives what God has already provided.

It is not arrogant for a child to remind his parents of a promise made made to him. That's not arrogance, disobedience, manipulation, or disrespect. It is simply asking for what was already promised.

Therefore, it is not arrogant for us to ask our Heavenly Father for the gifts and benefits He already provided for us. We are just claiming in faith what He has promised in His Word. It does not detract from God's sovereignty to put Him in remembrance of His Word!

Taking a stand on God's Word is not arrogant! And when you stand on God's Word against the devil, you can't be mealy-mouthed and wishy-washy about it! You must know who you are in Christ and take your authority over the devil.

You've got to be strong in the Lord! You've got to boldly declare who you are in Christ. That's not arrogance- that's faith! When we are bold in Christ, we are not taking an arrogant stance against God. We are taking a strong stance against the problem and against our enemy, Satan, based upon the authority of God's Word (Luke 10:19; Phil. 2:9,10).

Let the devil know you are not going to be intimidated by him or his devices. That's not arrogance against God; that's acting boldly in your authority over the devil. It's boldly standing in your place of authority because the Word said that Jesus defeated the devil. And because Satan has been defeated, you can be bold as a lion.

Proverbs 28: 1 - "The wicked man flees though no one pursues him, but the righteous are as bold as lions".

You are dealing with a defeated foe that is already under your feet because he's under Jesus' feet, so you can be bold in your authority! The devil has already been defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ!

Jesus said "...All power is given to me in heaven and in earth" (Matt. 28:18). Then He said, "Go you," giving that power to His Church on the earth (Matt 28:19). So why should we we weak and afraid to deal with a defeated foe - when we have the authority in Jesus' Name to put him in his place?

It is not arrogant to scripturally come against the enemy that is trying to steal from us what God has already given us. When you know God's Word, you get bold and strong in the Lord!

But when people don't really know what God's Word says, they don't have the boldness to stand against the devil. And some believers only know what someone thought God's Word said. But if they would study the Word for themselves, they would see for themselves that they have authority over the devil in Jesus' Name!

Some believers aren't sure about their authority in Christ because they are still trying to figure out everything in their natural minds. They say, "This is how I interpret this scripture". Or, "This is what I think this scripture means".

Then they try to explain away the truth of God's Word theologically because it doesn't coincide with what they believe, and they can't figure it out with their natural minds. (1 Cor. 2:14).

But when you are dealing with faith, you can't always figure out the way God works with your natural mind. Faith doesn't always make sense. It is not always logical, and you can't always understand spiritual things mentally. But as long as you walk in obedience to God, you can claim and receive what His Word says belongs to you...

...And I'm going to be bold and declare what the Bible says I have in Christ! It's time to take a strong stand on God's Word! Are there areas in your life where the devil is trying to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10)? Then take a bold stand against the devil with the Word! He's under your feet! It doesn't matter what people say - it matters what God's Word says!

And when I find out what God's Word says about any subject, then I know that is God's will. I'm going to claim God's will for my life and walk in it! And I'm going to enjoy the triumph in every circumstance because God promises me the victory!

1 Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

...Whatever you need, receive it from the Word of God. Boldly declare the Word over your circumstances! Boldly declare your faith, whether you can see your answer, feel it, or taste it! Take it by faith!

You see, when you base your faith on God's Word, you can say, "It's mine! I have my answer now! How can you be that bold in your faith declaration? Because Jesus already made provision for your every need to be met. That's why you can receive your answer in faith when you pray (Mark 11:24).

Grab hold of God's Word with the tenacity of a bulldog with a bone. Don't let go of His Word! Tenaciously hold on to God's promises. That's when you receive results!

Written by Kenneth W. Hagin, "Another Look At Faith", pp. 79-83

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