Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Faith in God Overcomes Every Problem!

Faith in God does not mean you will never face another problem. Faith in God simply means you know how to deal with problems and triumph over them. Everyone is confronted with problems from time to time in life. But your faith in God allows you to overcome problems-not be overcome by them.

Actually, the first step to victory is recognizing that you have a problem! Only then can you begin to use your faith to reverse the situation! You see, faith is not denial. That's why you must first identify the problem. Then put your faith to work for you. Nothing is too hard for God! But if you never admit you have a problem, you'll never put your faith to work against the problem. Faith does not deny the existence of problems; it just overcomes them by the power of God's Word!

When you are in faith, you realize that problems exist, but you know the greater truth of God's Word that says, "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Cor. 15:57). You know you don't have to be defeated by problems!

Faith-Bible faith - is a matter of making a choice to believe God's Word rather than the problems that confront you. Yes, you will have to stand on God's Word until the problems come in line with the Word. But you don't have to be defeated by problems and negative circumstances!

And sometimes standing on the Word in the midst of trials requires some perseverance and patience. But having done all to stand on God's Word, then begin declaring your faith: "God said it. I believe it! Therefore, I receive my petition according to the Word of God, and I count it as done!
When you can't see your answer, feel it, touch it, or taste it - you must still stand on God's Word, praising Him that He has already answered your prayers! That's real faith in God! Thank God, He will meet your every need.

I don't mean to minimize the problems that confront all of us from time to time. And little problems are just as real to someone as a tremendously big problem is to someone else. We all face problems in life no matter who we are. But what I am saying is that God is bigger than any problems!

But, you see, it is easy to believe God when everything is going smoothly. But strong faith believes God even when things go wrong and the pressures of life seem to press in on every side. Any your faith in God will always be rewarded by victory if you'll just persevere in God!

Taken from "Another Look at Faith" pp.37-38. Written by Kenneth W. Hagin.

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